About Us
The Mighty Marching Hornets is a prestigious organization that has brought stature and honor to Alabama State University. Founded in 1964, the Mighty Marching Hornets Band has helped several generations of young men and women to become illustrious citizens. The Band counts with many alumni that have risen to the pinnacle of their professional endeavors.

The rich and glorious history of the Mighty Marching Hornets Band makes it an organization of great honor and discipline. Each member and student is expected to honor this tradition by following the best of examples in academic excellence, behavior, discipline, respect, and musicianship. As such, each student pledges to serve as ambassadors of goodwill for Alabama State University - to our State and Nation - and to present themselves as a showcase for the University, lending an atmosphere of elegance, sophistication, esprit de corps, respect, and dignity to all who observe us.
The Mighty Marching Hornets aspire to be the best playing and marching unit and the most creative and exciting half-time show producers. Its ultimate goal is to become the most famous musical organization for college and university bands today.